Tools for Practice Tuesday: HIPAA Secure Video For Education & Consultation

Last week I blogged about the potential of HIPAA compliant texting.  This week I learned more about the use of video that can be privately secured.

I attended a webinar about eating disorders hosted by ReelDX. They have created educational libraries of real patient scenarios for medical schools. With patient consent, they demonstrate cases that can assist in learning. Video is used to present a real case rather than the text book, vignette, or fictional depiction.  Their libraries are mostly based on medical diagnosis and it was interesting to view this process for eating disorders. The entire webinar was great discussion and had great information about assessment and referral for eating disorders.

If you want learn more about eating disorders the Kartini Clinic (co-hosts of the webinar) has a wonderful resource page. 

The introduction of the use of a real case/interview added a lot value. A brief case presentation was made and then a prerecorded patient interview was shown. Then the team of various disciplines debriefed the case. There was great discussion of the nuances of doing a clinical interview for someone with an eating disorder. These nuances actually came out of a brief discussion of things “not to say”. Without the real interview this discussion would not have been that productive.

From a training point of view it reminded me of the use of a one way mirror for clinical education.  I see enormous potential in the use of secure video for consultation and education. In this busy climate recording sessions for clinical supervision would allow a supervisor to look at real video as it can be “store and forwarded”; meaning it can be watched anytime. Also multi-disciplinary teams care share video for consultation. For a great example of this check out the webinar…


For more information check out ReelDx’s educational page.