Are There Enough Social Workers Doing Suicide Prevention Research?

Earlier this week I blogged about the Society for Social Work and Research annual conference.  While following the conference I had the pleasure of running to the following poster. As a social worker that is passionate about suicide prevention, I immediately expressed my interest in the article ….

If you are tweeting out a picture of your e-poster on social media, this may attract the attention of someone.  A tremendous shout out to Rebecca Sanford; who after ten minutes emailed me the poster of this great work by her and her colleagues.

Although social work does well at tackling multi-faceted problems, there is a distinct lack of suicide prevention and postvention research from the social work lens. The two conclusions drawn from the poster say it best…

“…A paucity of suicide prevention, intervention and postvention research leaves the social work profession without a strong evidence base of social work specific knowledge to draw upon in both practice and policy.”


“This study reiterates the importance of social work researchers continuing to engage in suicide research whether as individuals or as collaborators with other disciplines. Furthermore, remaining faithful to providing an ethically and value based practice requires a fervent demonstration of commitment from social workers working at the micro, macro and mezzo levels of intervention to contribute to the development of social work evidence in suicide prevention, intervention and postvention.”

To find out how they reached this conclusion, please click the link to the full poster on the below link…

The Role of Social Work in Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention: The Absence of a Voice and a Need for Action by Rebecca L. Sanford, MSSA, Tania Pearce, MSW^; Myfanwy Maple, PhD, and Julie Cerel, PhD


What do you think we can do to increase social work’s voice in suicide prevention?