Tools for Practice Tuesday: What Clinicians Can Learn From Attempt Survivors

For this week’s tool for practice I am going to change definition of the term “tool” to include people. People with a very important perspective in mental health, Individuals who have survived a suicide attempt. Thanks to more social media savvy folks at The American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference, I am able to share this presentation with you. On April 2, 2016 a panel moderated by Dr. David Jobes features Dese’rae Stage and Dr. Nina Gutin gathered to discuss this important topic.

Here are some of the most thought provoking insights that were captured in tweets..

All of these quotes and resonated with me.  In reflecting in working as an inpatient psychiatric social worker, reminded me how clinicians need to “slow our roll” with process. That we need to rethink “that risky person who almost died” to someone that needs to be treated with dignity and respect. If you consider yourself a “patient-centered” clinician that works with individuals after a suicide attempt, I challenge you to reflect on these quotes.

One needs to think about the factors that impact change for someone after a suicide. One of those factors is the clinical care they receive after the attempt. This presentation is a great reminder about how complex this process is. The process of working with someone post-suicide certainly comes with legal concerns but we should never lose sight of the process.  The above quotes are great reminders of this but the entire presentation provides a lot more. Watch the entire presentation; please use this in supervision, a graduate level clinical class or watch as a clinical team…

You can watch the entire video discussion by clicking on the image below…


Also for more tweets that were captured live during the presentation click on the below image…
