If you follow me, you may know that I am interested in the integration of healthcare and mental health. Further, if you follow me on twitter, you may know of my involvement with the Healthcare Leader community (#hcldr). In the latest tweet chat we talked about the direction of healthcare was headed in 2015. In my recent Google Plus post, I discussed my personal goal for healthcare in 2015. It is to better understand and promote “Value-Based Care”. The notion that we look at the value of the service we are providing for the individual but also demonstrate how this can reduce costs.
A good first step is to read Relationship-centered care: A new paradigm for population health management (Nundy and Oswald 2014).
This article highlights the need to view health as a relationship between the customers and other providers. It outlines some existing models to help achieve this goal.
Sean 🙂
Nundy,S and Oswald, J. (2014) Relationship-centered care: A new paradigm for population health management, Healthcare, Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 216-219, ISSN 2213-0764, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hjdsi.2014.09.003.