Cultural Competence in Real Time

People of Color & Mental Illness Photo Project

In the mental health field there are a lot training movements. One of them is “Cultural Competence”.  As professionals we should be aware of the cultural context of the individuals we treat. I have been to a few of these training’s and read a lot about the topic. The stigma within mental health treatment that is often talked about as well.

Dior Vargas has created a way to draw awareness to both issues. She feels that in addition to the normal layer of mental health stigma, people of color face another strong layer of stigma. To fight this, Dior took this picture and is encouraging other people of color to follow..

people of color


Please follow the above link and find “The People of Color and Mental Illness Project” . This a creative way to fight stigma and make the need for “cultural competency” come alive.

Sean 🙂