I am really excited about this week’s Tools for Practice Tuesday. It features two books that I learned about via technology (namely twitter). They focus on problem solving some the largest mental health challenges within the educational system.
The first is Suicide in Schools: A Practitioner’s Guide to Multi-level Prevention, Assessment, Intervention, and Postvention (School-Based Practice in Action by T
Found out this excellent resource via one of the co-authors, Jonathan Singer (also known as Social Work Podcast). As someone who coordinates care with schools, this fills a gap for a huge service need. It helps schools develop a framework to prepare and respond to suicide.
The second book is Self-harm and Eating Disorders in Schools: A Guide to Whole-school Strategies and Practical Support by Dr. Pooky Knightsmith (who has an awesome and active twitter account)
This goes deeper into mental health issues youth have and the educational system frequently struggles to understand.
If you work in school or know someone who does, these seem like essential items for schools to purchase and implement to assist youth with mental health treatment.
Sean 🙂