Tools for Practice Tuesday: Some Pediatric Telehealth at #ATA2016

Yup, more blog content due to following a conference. Currently The American Telemedicine Association is having their annual conference (using the hashtag #ATA2016).  I had the pleasure of running into the tweets regarding a presentation about uses of Telemedicine for pediatrics. They contain some useful links and studies.  You can click directly on the tweets to look them…

There was a great study demonstrating some positive outcomes on a study that used a mix of telepsychiatry and face to face therapy for ADHD…

As someone who does care management, I think telehealth can play a huge role in access to specialty care. Waiting for specialists like neurology, psychiatry, and many others are long. The next resource presents a list of studies completed by the University of Minnesota TeleFamilies program. These  demonstrate the potential of telehealth and other technologies for complex specialty care in pediatrics …

Telehealth can increase reach to those who don’t have access to care and appears to be growing…


I would love to hear your experiences/research with telehealth? Do you have a story about the practice (good, bad, or indifferent)?  Please feel free to comment and share resources that have helped you formulate a decision about telehealth….