This document outlines my policies related to use of Social Media. Please read it to understand how I conduct myself on the Internet as a mental health professional and how clients and others can expect me to respond to various interactions that may occur between us on the Internet. If you are a current client of mine and have any questions about anything within this document, I encourage you to bring them up when we meet.
Goals of My Website / Other Media
My website is not affiliated with my current nor past employment agencies and direct social work practices. View expressed on my blog or any of my social media outlets are my own. That being said the goal of my website and social media presence is to share resources with follow professionals mental health, healthcare, youth and education advocates.
Resources on this website and all social media are never a replacement for face to face advice with a therapist or licensed medical provider. Â If you are in crisis or distress please contact your regular therapist or crisis service. If you are unaware of crisis services, a worldwide list can be found here.Â
Friending and interacting
Any information you see posted here, if personal, is widely known about me. It is consistent with my values as a therapist to be appropriately human and accessible. Managing a blend of personal and professional life is a necessary part of providing therapy and in this age of social media. I will never post highly private aspects of my life, out of respect to my personal needs, and out of respect to the people I work with.
You are welcome to view my social media and read or share information posted there, but I do not accept comments from clients there. I will also remove information from clients that may compromise their confidentiality as I become aware of it. I feel it is best to be explicit to all who may view my list of Friends to know that they will not find client names on that list. I want to simply provide educational and clinical resources but I want ensure individuals are safe and their their privacy is protected. Please be well…
Sean Erreger, LCSW
I have made this policy adapted from both the model Social Media Policy by Keely Kolmes and Dr. April Foreman’s social media policy on their websites. (Thank you both)