Tools for Practice Tuesday – Your Local Library Website.

Tools for Practice Tuesday- Your Local Library Website

This internet tool comes with a little bit of homework but I assure you it is worth it.

In my personal life we use the library a lot (mainly for my kids). I made the connection with my personal life today when a parent that I work with was looking for “cheap” things to do with their child in the community. This led to me searching the nearest library and other local libraries in the county that I serve. I found really great resources for the kids and teens I work with.  I stumbled on some computer classes, ways to further education, volunteer opportunities, community groups, book groups, ways to pursue hobbies, the list goes on and on…

…If you or someone you work with needs to get moving, the local library is  a great resource to learn something new, connect with others, and engage in the local community.

Sean 🙂

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