Scholarly Saturday: Can We Prevent Homelessness?

A Prevention‐Centered Approach to Homelessness Assistance:
A Paradigm Shift?

This week’s report by The National Center on Family Homeless demonstrates that family and youth homelessness is on the rise. More specifically an 8% increase from 2012-13.  I can’t say that I am terribly surprised but it begs the question; What do we do about this rather disturbing report? How do we prevent family homelessness?  The above report demonstrates that homelessness is becoming a huge public health problem. It’s costs on physical and mental health are astronomical. My gut reaction was to promote more prevention programs. 

We need to do something but the notion of homeless prevention is easier said than done. The report A Prevention‐Centered Approach to Homelessness Assistance:   
A Paradigm Shift? reviews the challenges of shifting to a prevention philosophy. Homelessness is a multi-level problem and a definition of a homeless prevention program can be tough. This report attempts to problem solve this and break down the many facets to homelessness that can be prevented.

Originally reported in 2010, this report is the work of The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness. They continue to be committed to the prevention focus of homelessness and have multiple resources to assist with this.

homeless prevention