Tools for Practice Tuesday: Live Tweeting from a Conference??

Have you seen people live tweet from conferences? Want to learn more about the how to and benefits of this? Well I have two awesome resources for you..

1) Social Work Podcast

This below link is to a podcast and accompanying blog by Dr. Jonathan Singer (aka Social Work Podcast). It gives a great how to and more importantly why should you should encourage live tweeting at your conference or event. It is near and dear my heart as it features member of The Suicide Prevention and Social Media team.

Enjoy this podcast and happy live tweeting…

social work pod cast


2 ) A great resource about the power of live tweeting is this below blog post. This talks about Dr. Bernadette Keefe’s presentation on how “Social Media is a staircase that connects to the building of the conference….”

 #Doctors20: Twitter’s Impact on Medical Conferences by Dr. Iris Thiele Isip Tan.