Tools for Practice Tuesday: NowPow

Nothing like visiting the largest Health IT trade show in the world to revive my “Tools for Practice Tuesday” segment of my blog. I went to #HIMSS18 (The Health Information Management and Systems Society) to provide some coverage as social media ambassador but also a curious social worker. I wanted to understand how Health IT was tackling a variety of topics including mental health, substance use, and complex care coordination. In the coming weeks I will feature some of my favorite things I demo’ed (or somethings I didn’t a chance to but I think are wonderful).

Going to lead off with NowPow because this was closest to my heart. Being a care manager by day, I found this the most compelling piece of technology a demo’ed. Now Pow is a care management solution focusing on managing referrals “to help address their chronic health and social conditions or just stay well.” This solution engages clients and provides a nice workflow for clinicians.

The first step is building and management a resource directory. Using local information you can enter into their system or if you already have one electronically you can push that information to them. Then you can generate a referral based on that resource list. This referral is based off of demographic and diagnosis data…

Once the list is generated it can push the information to the client via SMS or email…

From the care management perspective they have taken it a step further, they have partnered with a variety of Electronic Health Record companies. This creates the ability to generate progress notes automatically from the referral. It also creates a way to manage the history of a referrals and provide follow up…

You will have to consult with them on which EHRs they partner with but I thought this was an incredible feature to manage your workflow. So if you are looking for a to manage referrals in your care management team, I would consider following up with the people at NowPow…